Via Flickr:
just one more picture of the kittys for a few weeks! i feel like there's too many animal pictures on my stream now ahaa
This is a picture of my baby when he was 8 weeks old :') he's 13 months old now, and as loving as ever ;) even though he's a little shit at times (and so is his evil sister) i love him (and ruby) to bits!
I miss when they were this small and they could fit in your hand... awhhhh
Wednesday, 31 August 2011
fourth most interesting photo on my flickr
Tuesday, 30 August 2011
fifth most interesting photo on my flickr
Via Flickr:
these came out crappier than i thought they would:(
anyhoo. exams are over, hurrah! :D
...and i got my blackberry back from it being repaired. they replaced it because they couldn't work out what was wrong. I named my new one Charlieeeeeee :) (including the numerous amount of e's) :D
I'm doing this day by day, so here's the FIFTH most interesting (tomorrow will be fourth and so on)
So my auntie asked me to print this off for her a little while ago, so she could have it in her photo album because she loves it so much. haha. i felt so privileged :) but i never actually got round to doing it :(
I do like this photo but i don't like how i edited it. the contrast is too high and i edited my eyeliner ¬¬ but nowadays i edit my photos less so i suppose this one is a milestone :)
new but old gorilla photo for y'alll....
i took this back in December but a few people have asked me to add this to flickr and whatnot after seeing it in my exhibition... so here ya go :)
Thursday, 25 August 2011
C - Maths (foundation, took it early as an experiment and was allowed to drop it in january)
C - Science (year 1o)
B - Additional Science (year 11)
B - English Literature (year 11 - I WAS NOT EXPECTING THIS :)
B - English Language (november of year 11)
B - Textiles (I got A's in my coursework, A in my retake and C in the exam I did in June D;)
B - History (A in the america exam, C in cold war, B in britain and B in coursework I think)
B - Photography (seriously high A in the coursework... low B in the exam! D:)
AA - Media Studies (two distinctions and a pass! :D and it counts for two grades, FUCK YES.)
So yeah - I'm an extremely happy girl as I've definitely gotten into sixth form at my current school! :) AND I'm seeing my sister tonight and we're having a sisterly love pamper day tomorrow- we're going to have a fishyfeet pedicure and go to bencotto's in the evening hahaaa
I'm now going to play on mario kart (i'm addicted) against Ben and his little sister, 'Twix' as I call her :') wish me luck heheee
goodbye non-existent readers <3
Wednesday, 24 August 2011
11 hours and 5 minutes to go...
i've never dreaded something so much before.
i don't want to sleep in case it comes any closer
basically i need a hug
from anyone BUT my parents
they've hugged me enough already
Sunday, 21 August 2011
saturday night dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun
I know none of you care because no one's reading
but i'm writing this down for future reference because i had a banterful evening last night ;)
I went to bencotto's with some of my GCSE science buddies last night- Tori, Pei & Sophia- and it was hilarious. We had an amazing waiter (who happened to be the 'Sweet Hut guy' from langer park fair) and we were his favourite table... blates. Sophia had to ask him to slice her pizza for her because she's a frail old woman
Tori: "People like this, I wouldn't expect to have nipples."
Other waiter (directed at Sophia): "You're easy."
Saturday, 20 August 2011
my day out on wednesday!
If you hadn't guessed already, this grandad is the one that Frank, my cat, was partly named after. He was such a loving grandad and it's a shame he had to leave us :( RIP grandad Frank, forever in our hearts ♥
pictures of my exhibition!
i am back for the third time tonight ;)
i promised my flickrers photos of my GCSE photography exhibition back in may or june or whenever it was, i can't actually remember... that's rather worrying! :P so here they are :)
the three main pictures on show for my coursework part of the exhibition :)
Friday, 19 August 2011
NEW SELFIES FOR Y'ALL. and my thoughts.
They don't really have much of a meaning apart from the first one, but I'm sure I can interpret them to mean something. Is that the right word?:S
Just because I wear hoodies doesn't mean I'm going to stab you or start a riot.